The struggle is real...
You can always tell when I have a boring day because my insta-story is silent! This week was a bit of struggle of overextending myself. I suffer from a bit of guilt from not being able to do it all. For all your moms working and going to school, I give you a ton of props! Is props even still a thing? Anyway, its so much work and you're kicking ass!!
Tuesday I had school and I met with my tutor who has given me the same advice as everyone in my family, I'm over-studying. I do spend a lot of time studying because I want to be right but even with all that time, everything starts blurring together so I figured, I need some fun!!!!!
I took the boys to my nephews school carnival. They opted to not play games except for the cake walk which is the new thing for teenagers. Dennis worked until 6:30 so I got home right before then and got ready for Bike Night!!! We had the BEST time! I can't even point out exactly what was so fun about it but it was!

While Wednesday I paid for it, it was worth it! It was also Moll's adoption day! I did get her a special cookie and I let her sleep with me so while I didn't get to go all out for my dog, she still got something. Dennis went in for some more tattoo work with Luke and on those days... I score Dutch Bros!! Here is current pic of what he's getting worked on.
Thursday I had an exam which I'm praying to have just passed. After the exam, I had lab and we dissected a sheep heart. It was awesome! I also found out I got a B on my quiz! Woot Woot! The boys had their last carnival of elementary school! It was kind of sad watching my little boys be teenagers! They chased girls while me and Dennis hung out in the food area. Losers! HAHAHA!! Dennis also got his braces put on that morning. He then goes to Buffalo Wild Wings and breaks a bracket... goes back to the Orthodontist and now he's good to go! Thursday was also my moms birthday! I was bummed out because I wanted to spend time with her and I had a million things to do that day. We did have dinner together though so that made me happy!
Tuesday I had school and I met with my tutor who has given me the same advice as everyone in my family, I'm over-studying. I do spend a lot of time studying because I want to be right but even with all that time, everything starts blurring together so I figured, I need some fun!!!!!
I took the boys to my nephews school carnival. They opted to not play games except for the cake walk which is the new thing for teenagers. Dennis worked until 6:30 so I got home right before then and got ready for Bike Night!!! We had the BEST time! I can't even point out exactly what was so fun about it but it was!
While Wednesday I paid for it, it was worth it! It was also Moll's adoption day! I did get her a special cookie and I let her sleep with me so while I didn't get to go all out for my dog, she still got something. Dennis went in for some more tattoo work with Luke and on those days... I score Dutch Bros!! Here is current pic of what he's getting worked on.
Thursday I had an exam which I'm praying to have just passed. After the exam, I had lab and we dissected a sheep heart. It was awesome! I also found out I got a B on my quiz! Woot Woot! The boys had their last carnival of elementary school! It was kind of sad watching my little boys be teenagers! They chased girls while me and Dennis hung out in the food area. Losers! HAHAHA!! Dennis also got his braces put on that morning. He then goes to Buffalo Wild Wings and breaks a bracket... goes back to the Orthodontist and now he's good to go! Thursday was also my moms birthday! I was bummed out because I wanted to spend time with her and I had a million things to do that day. We did have dinner together though so that made me happy!
Saturday the boys finished up building furniture for my sister!!! I'm so excited my little men are handy like their dad!
We got invited to two Halloween parties but Dennis working 12's so we thought we were just going to stay home. So once he gets home I'm like.............. lets go to Walmart! We're going to one of the parties! So we came up with these costumes for a whoppin' 10 bucks!!
Now I'm off to party for my moms birthday party!!!! I'll add pics below if I take any.... meaning if me and the kids decide to get out of our pajamas for the day! See you next week!
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