Back 2 Skool

We survived the first week back to school!!!!! Dentist appointments, physicals, hearing tests... which the passed so they really just ignore me by choice,  hair cuts, school shopping, schedules, early bed times... Let's just say this is going to take some getting used to! My babies are 8th graders!!!! Last year at our K-8th school. We have dances coming up, and a graduation to plan for! What a crazy year it will be. I'm going to miss staying up late enough to watch Bachelor in Paradise but I guess that's what we have on demand for.
The day before school started I had over a couple of the boys friends to have their good bye summer gaming session. 4 pizzas for 6 teenagers and 3 hours of pure gaming!

The morning of, I was annoying as per usual.... I  made the kids take a million photos. As much as I hate social media sometimes, its the way I can look back at all the memories we've made.

I took cookies to all the teachers who have become friends. I think people mistake my gift giving as ass kissing but really its like a consolation prize for all the pain in the ass kids they have to deal with or the pain the ass parents. (That would be me!!!)  Teachers are their "sit in" parents from 8-3:30. I appreciate them for that! My small group of a few gifts has turned into 16 teachers! Yes 16! That's it, I'm not making any teacher friends in high school!
School went great on Day 1! The boys love their teachers and they’re excited for the year! We celebrated a successful day by taking one twin to get a new retainer. LOL! That really did take place but I did take them for ice-cream after!

Day 2 back to school was a little more of a stuggle… I don’t do coffee but I am seriously thinking about starting! Back to work for me and wondering how we’re going to make it to next week! You don't want to miss a big announcement next Sunday! You’ll make it through life not really caring about my big announcement but I’m so over dramatic, I enjoy making big deals over small things. HA! Good night everyone!


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