What I got for Christmas!!!
This year when Dennis asked what I wanted for Christmas, I didn't have any idea! Normally I have gift ideas planned out for 10 lifetimes. I know I wanted to spend time with my kids and family but I didn't really think of it as a gift. Our family has been sick all of vacation and still lingering. While I HATE my kids getting sick, I also loved that they needed their mama. I loved that they came to seek comfort, I loved that we watched family feud while sitting next to the vaporizer. Is it strange that I think God gave me exactly what I wanted for Christmas and I just didn't see it at first. I found a little more happiness this year in the gift giving not the receiving. I'm learning with age that each day is not promised so every holiday I have with my family and friends is so much more important than any amount of money! I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hope that you got everything you asked for! Now we're off to Christmas dinner!!!!

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